Thursday, 2 August 2007

US aid to the Middle East

The relative lack of critical analysis of the United States' military aid package to favoured Middle East nations reveals a great deal about contemporary measures of peace and security (Report, August 1). How, exactly, does a $20bn military aid package foment peace? The US offers yet another golden handshake to regimes, Jewish and Arab alike, with questionable human rights records and we are meant to understand that this is in the interests of peace.

What is clear is that the military aid continues the long tradition of US-funded militarism in the Middle East, a militarism expressly forbidden under international law, including under several UN security council resolutions which have called for the demilitarisation of the Middle East. It is high time we were honest; the US itself is the greatest threat to peace and security in the Middle East.

Mustafa Qadri

Published in today's Guardian newspaper and online.